Ficarra Francisco, PhD :: Some International Pubblications :: No subventions, No Corruption | 100% Self Made :: 1991 - 2023 :: A very special celebration!   " 32 Years Resisting the Garduña Factor | Gardunia Factor | 'G' Factor " Ficarra Francisco, PhD :: Some International Pubblications :: No subventions & No corruption: 100% Self Made :: 1991 - 2021 :: A special celebration: "30 long years surviving the Gardunia Factor (G Factor)" 32 years - research works without Garduña


1991 - 2023: 32 years resisting the "Garduña / Gardunia Factor" (G Factor)

Naively many think that the stamp stands for a position against all the European subsidies system, for example, which is yet another crass mistake. The goal is rather to point out those who do not help the students or professors to reach their training or professional goals –e.g., registration fees for conferences, trips, hotels, etc., all-expense-paid by author/s and not by the university (e.g. Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Pompeu Fabra University, University of Zaragoza, Ramon Llull University ... 1991 - 1999, Catalonia & Aragon, Spain; and University of Bergamo ... 2001 - 2004, Lombardy, Italy).

The stamp is meant to identify those who gratuitously smear and scorn people because of their place of birth, who try to appropriate available financial resources and who are involved into a long list of activities aimed at self-enrichment and the erosion of academic integrity. Furthermore, the stamp is meant to identify people who do not think themselves superior to the rest of the citizens.

In other words, it is a simple icon to be used by all those people with a good will irrespective of their social condition, culture, education, financial situation, etc, who modestly, honestly and humbly keep their dignity and freedom, working for the advance of the sciences and for the common good of all mankind.